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COVID-19 Updates

Last Update: 5/9/2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted your lives in profound and unexpected ways. Many of you have lost jobs, housing, and other resources essential to continuing your studies at the University of Utah. Fortunately, the university will receive $18.5 million in funding from the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. Half of that is dedicated to student support.  More information can be found here CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.

Based on guidelines from the federal government, university leaders have outlined a plan for how that money will be disbursed. To qualify, undergraduate students must have completed an application for federal student aid or FAFSA application.

Emergency Funds Application - Summer 2022

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEER) FAQ's

Temporary SNAP Benefit expansion for college students enrolled at least half-time (6 credits)

University of Utah COVID-19 Updates  

Coronavirus and Forbearance Info for Students, Borrowers, and Parents

Department of Education COVID-19 Updates

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I reach you if I have questions?

Our staff members are available by email, virtual chat,  in-person, and by phone at 801-581-6211.

Can I submit documents?

Yes. Documents are being processed at this time. Use the following methods to submit your documents:

  • Online upload tool: The upload tool is located under the general forms section. Make sure to select the appropriate aid year. 
  • Fax: (801) 585-6350
  • By mail: University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, 201 South 1460 East, Room 105 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9055
  • Using the drop box outside of the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid on the first floor of the Student Services Building. Building hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

I have a merit scholarship from your office and I elected to have some of my classes to be credit/no credit. Will scholarship renewal requirements change?

In most cases this should not have a negative effect.  Students still have to complete 24 credit hours. However, the 20 graded credit hour requirement has been waived at this time. Credit/No-Credit do not affect student GPAs. Refer to your scholarship terms and conditions for information about specific cumulative GPA renewal requirements. Contact the scholarships area by email at if you have any concerns about your scholarship.

Department COVID-19 Resources

Office of Admissions COVID-19 Updates

Office of Orientation and Transition COVID-19 Updates

Registrar’s Office COVID-19 Updates

Housing and Residential Education COVID-19 Updates

Student Affairs COVID-19 Updates



Last Updated: 1/30/25